Good Shepherd Calgary (Cantonese Chinese)

Calgary, AB

The Right Rev. Stephen Leung

David Leung

Honorary Assistants:
The Rev. Eric Wong
The Rev. Tom Lo

Tel: 403-619-6988

Worship Service Meeting location & time:

Our Lady of Peace Maronite Catholic Church
504 – 30th Ave NW

Sundays, 3 pm
Bible Studies on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Church of the Good Shepherd  (Cantonese) Calgary officially launched as an ANiC church plant with Bishop Stephen Leung officiating at a Holy Communion service on February 9, 2013.  The members of this church plants have been meeting for Bible study as an evangelistic outreach ministry since two years before the officiating ceremony.
Good Shepherd Calgary currently has a congregation of 35 to 40 people, most of whom are seekers.  So far one family and six adults were baptised.