Worship: Entering into the Presence of the Holy God and of His Glory
日期/時間:共五講,逢星期一晚 7:30-9:30,3月3日至3月31日
Date & Times: 5 Classes, Monday nights 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, March 3 to March 31
地點 Location:溫哥華聖公會牧愛堂 / Good Shepherd Vancouver
189 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
收費 Registration Fees:每位加幣$50 per Person
優惠: 同教會 5 位以上一起報名,每位$40
Registration Discount: Group registration (5 or more people from the same church) CAD$40 each person
Format 形式:
– Teaching mainly in Cantonese with possible English and Mandarin translation when available
– In-person ((lay administrators and those who want to serve as lay administrators must attend in person unless for special reasons) or real time participation
– 主要以粵語講授
– 實體(司禱員或願意參加司禱事奉者須實體上課,特殊原因除外)及實時網上參加
Who Should Register? 對象?
Lay administrators or those who want to serve in this ministry, all who are serving in worship music ministry (including organists, pianists, choir members, praise team members etc.), servers or those who want to serve in this ministry, evangelists and pastors.
Register 報名: https://forms.gle/ovDzp4M2r3oRHXPF9
- E-Transfer to seventy@ammic.ca (請註明 WS2025/ Please note “WS2025” in the comments)
- Cheque ( payable to AMMIC, send to #160-4611 No. 6 Road, Richmond, BC, V6V 2L3)並註明 “WS2025”
Course Outline / 內容
- March 3rd 崇拜:誰是中心——上帝抑或人?
Worship God or human centered?
(梁永康主教 / Bishop Stephen Leung; Cantonese) - March 10th 聖公會崇拜中的基督聖禮、教會聖禮和講道
Sacraments of Christ, church sacraments and preaching in Anglican worship
(梁永康主教 / Bishop Stephen Leung; Cantonese) - March 17th 聖公會禮儀崇拜:北美聖公會《2019公禱書》個案討論
Liturgy in Anglican worship: ACNA Book of Common Prayer 2019
(安宇洪牧師/ Rev. Anson Ann; Cantonese) - March 24th 教會年曆、祝文、讀經表和詩篇
Church Calendar, Collects, Lectionary, and Psalter
(吳溢暉會吏 / Rev. Alvin Ng; 英語/ English) - March 31st 音樂:提升會衆敬拜上帝,還是滿足人的表演欲?
Music: Elevating the congregation towards God or idolizing human performance
(梁唐𤧞琦師母 / Ms. Nona Leung、郭志偉傳道 / Evangelist Ray Kwok, 梁永康主教 / Bishop Stephen Leung; Cantonese)