Looking Back, Looking Forward: A Dialogue Among North American Asian Christians
Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada Conference Proceedings, 2011 & 2012
In 2011 and 2012, the Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada along with Carey Theological College and Hudson Taylor Centre, Tyndale Seminary co-sponsored two conference that explored the relational aspect between the different generations in Asian North American Churches. The published proceedings include talks given by Dr. Craig Smith (Professor of Biblical Studies at Carey Theological College), Rev. Warren Lai (Adjunct Professor of Pastoral & Chinese Ministry at Tyndale Seminary), Rev. Dr. Esther Chung-Kim (Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Claremont Mckenna College), and Rev. Dr. Timothy Tseng (Pastor of English Ministries at Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church, San Jose, California) and many others.