Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC) seeks to build partnerships among Asian and multicultural Canadian churches in order to mutually enrich, support and challenge one another in Gospel witness. Churches and organizations working in partnership with AMMiC (and/or affiliated with ANiC) include:
In North America
- Anglican 1000 (ACNA’s church planting initiative)
- Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)
- Anglican Coalition in Canada
- Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd Richmond (Richmond, BC)
- Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd Vancouver (Vancouver, BC)
- Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC)
- The Artizo Institute (Vancouver, BC)
- Carey Theological College & Carey Institute (Vancouver, BC)
- The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
- Reformed Episcopal Church of Canada (REC)
- Regent College Anglican Studies Program (Vancouver, BC)
- The Hudson Taylor Centre for Chinese Ministries at Tyndale University College & Seminary (Toronto, ON)
- Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship (Greater Vancouver, BC)
- Diocese of Singapore
- Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans
- GAFCon
- Global South Anglicans
- International China Concern
- St. Thomas Centre, Lahore, Pakistan