An Invitation

to our Ministry Sharing and Fundraising Event

Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC) will be holding a ministries sharing and fund raising dinner    on
Sunday, September 22, 2013    at
the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd
(189 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1S8)    from
5.30 – 8.30 pm.

The aim of this exciting event is to share AMMiC’s vision to reach out to the visible ethnic communities in Canada, to promote our ministries by meeting some of our workers in person and listening to their testimonies, and to raise funds to support our church plants and other projects.

For further information, please contact Ka Man Ng (778-8811887 or or Peter Pang (604-3240702 or

Click for Fundraiser Invitation.