Author Archives: AMMiC Webmaster
2022 Church History Survey (Cantonese)
2022 Church History Survey (Cantonese)
Watch the Good Shepherd Burnaby Church Plant Launch
The Good Shepherd Burnaby Church Plant Dedication Service will be live streamed on the AMMiC YouTube Channel for those unable to attend in-person on Sunday, July 3, 2022, at 3:00 pm.
Good Shepherd Burnaby Dedication and Thanksgiving Service Liturgy: Download Here
Please continue to remember The Rev. Angel Tong and the core team members as they prepare for this date.
A New Church Plant Being Launched
AMMiC is pleased to announced the launch of the church plant Good Shepherd Burnaby with the core team led by The Rev. Angel Tong.
In a recent letter entitled “Multiplying, Building & Proclaiming“, Bishop Charlie Masters, our Diocesan Bishop in the Anglican Network in Canada, wrote the following:
One of our newest church plants, planning to begin services this summer in Burnaby, BC, is being formed and planted through our wonderful Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC) team, led by Bishop Stephen Leung. The lead church planter, Rev. Angel Tong, speaks three languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, and English) and in particular is looking to reach the large immigrant population in Burnaby with the gospel.
Please mark your calendars for the official launch at 3 pm on Sunday, July 3rd, 2022. Please remember in your prayers all the core team members as in their preparations.
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2022 Church History Survey
2022 Church History Survey (Cantonese)
An AMMiC Lay Training Course
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Ka-lun Leung, Honorary President of Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong
Format: 6 instruction video classes on Zoom; Thu evening from Sept 29 to Nov 10 (no class Nov 3); and a half-day in-person seminar, Sat Nov 26, with Dr. Ka-lun Leung and Bishop Stephen Leung on Anglicanism in Church History.
(1)報名:電郵至, 郵件主題「OT2022」,內容注明報讀人中英文姓名及所屬堂會(若多位家庭成員共用電郵信箱,需列明每位報讀者)
2022 Spring Lay Leader Training Course (Cantonese)
Course: Survey of OT Theology (CGST Sunday school resources)
Instructor: Dr. Stephen See King Lee (video recording)
Tutor: Nona Leung
Format: Online ZOOM classes, Cantonese only (no interpretation provided)
Date/Time: 8 classes, Thu 7:30-9:30 PM, Mar 10 to May 5 (no class Apr 14)
Registration will close on March 3, 2022 at 11:59 pm (PST)
This course is jointly organized by AMMiC and Good Shepherd Vancouver, using teaching resources provided by Hong Kong China Graduate School of Theology with small group studies. AMMiC Lay Training aims at equipping lay leaders and parishioners discerning to serve as vocational deacons with a solid foundation of the bible, theology, church ministry and spiritual formation. Details can be found on website.
(1) Registration by email to, subject “OT2022”, give English and Chinese name of each registrant and name of home church in the email content
(2) $10 each registrant (to support AMMiC technical controller) to be collected by each parish/church plant
2021-12-04 Ordination Service for the Order of Presbyter of The Rev. Li SHEN and The Rev. Angel On-Kay TONG
2021-12-04 Ordination Service for the Order of Presbyter
The Rev. Li SHEN and The Rev. Angel On-Kay TONG
Service begins at 3:00 pm
Ordination to the Order of Presbyter of The Rev. Li Shen and The Rev. Angel On-Kay Tong
Lord willing on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 at 3:00 pm
The Rev. Li Shen and The Rev. Angel On-Kay Tong
will be ordained into the Order of Presbyter of the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church
by The Right Rev. Stephen Leung, Area Bishop of Asian and Multicultural Ministries,
in the Diocese of the Anglican Network in Canada,
in the Anglican Church in North America.
The Ordination Service is scheduled for 3 pm (PST), Saturday, December 4th, 2021, at the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (189 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada). Everyone is invited to attend the service in-person and online via For clergy intending to vest for the service, please arrive by 2 pm and note the liturgical colour is red.
The Rev. Li Shen, also known as Paul, will continue serving the Mandarin speaking community which is building towards becoming a church plant supported by Good Shepherd Vancouver.
The Rev. Angel On-Kay Tong served her curacy training at Good Shepherd Vancouver and will be launching a church plant in the Burnaby-New Westminster-Coquitlam area some time in 2022 under Asian Multicultural Ministries in Canada and Anglican Network in Canada.
Please continue to keep Rev. Paul & Elena, Rev. Angel & Luke and their families in your prayers for the upcoming preparation for the ordination and their ongoing ministries.
Photos Courtesy Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (Vancouver)