Anglican Faith in the 39 Articles Seminar (Updated)

To equip all brothers and sisters in Christ, AMMiC is organizing a series of courses to help brothers and sisters in further understanding the Christian Faith, equip lay leaders and lay administrator serving the church, and provide Anglican training for Vocational Deacon candidates and clergy.

The first of these courses is “Anglican Faith in The 39 Articles”. This course will be an in-depth exploration on the Articles of Religion that have formed Anglicanism since the 16th Century to today.

Please note that this class will be taught in Cantonese with Mandarin interpretation using wireless headset. Most class handouts will be in English. An online live streaming option is available to those living outside of Metro Vancouver. Please e-mail when you register and indicate your place of residence to be eligible for the online class. Further details will then be sent for the live streaming.

Teacher: Bishop Stephen Leung
Venue: Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd,
189 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Y 1S8
Dates: Thursdays on February 27, March 5, March 12, March 19, March 26 and April 2 (6 sessions)
Time: 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Fee: $50, Partial subsidy can be applied for those in need.
Registration & Payment: Please register at Fees are to be paid by the beginning of the first class. Those participating in the online live streaming will be e-mailed instruction on how to submit their fees.

Ordination to the Priesthood Announcement

Lord willing at 2 pm (MST) on December 6th, 2019, The Rev. Eric Wong will be ordained into the priesthood of the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church by The Right Rev. Stephen Leung.  Rev. Eric currently serves as a Deacon at the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd Calgary church plant. Please pray for Eric, his wife Shirley, and daughters Deborah and Phoebe and also the Good Shepherd Calgary church plant in preparation for the ordination.

2019 AMMiC Annual Thanksgiving & Fundraising Dinner

AMMiC is primarily set up for outreaching to the visible minorities in Canada. It continues to facilitate the development and growth of Asian and multicultural Canadian churches and Christian communities by nurturing these communities in the Christian faith, to mutually support one another in sharing the gospel, and serving together as one body in Christ in Canada and beyond to fulfil the Great Commission of our Lord.

The 2019 Annual Thanksgiving & Fundraising Dinner was held on Wednesday September 18th. The presentations shared included God’s miraculous work in Good Shepherd Calgary, children outreach ministry partnership between AMMiC and Holy Trinity Edmonton and other churches. Bishop Charlie Masters also came and spoke on AMMiC’s future development in ANiC. Your continued prayers and support are important as all of AMMiC’s expenses including salaries rely on this annual fundraising event.

If you would still like to make a donation, please contact us by e-mail at or find more information by going to the Donate page.

Please read Bishop Stephen’s invitation letter below.


Ordination Announcement – January 2019 (Updated)

God willing at 2 pm (MST) on February 2nd, 2019,  Mr. Eric Wong will be ordained as a deacon into the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church by The Right Rev. Charles Master at Our Lady of Peace Maronite Catholic Church in Calgary. The Right Rev. Stephen Leung will be preaching. Eric currently serves as the Ministry Project Staff member at the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd Calgary church plant. Please pray for Eric, his wife Shirley, and daughters Deborah and Phoebe and also the Good Shepherd Calgary church plant in preparation for the ordination.

Ordination Announcement – December 2018

God willing, on December 8, 2018, the Right Reverend Stephen Leung will ordain Rev. John Ngai to the Order of Priest. The Ordination Service be at the Anglican Network Church of Good Shepherd at 3 pm. For clergy intending to vest for the service, the liturgical colour is red.

Bishop Stephen would ask for your prayers for John and his family (wife Ellen, and sons Zachariah and Joshua) for God’s special grace upon them and during this time of preparation entering into Christian ministry as a family.

Ordination Announcement – December 2017

God willing, on December 2, 2017, the Right Reverend Stephen Leung will ordain Rev. Allan Tan to the priesthood, and Mr. John Ngai to the diaconate (transitional). More details of the service will be forthcoming. Bishop Stephen would ask for your prayers for Allan+ and John for God’s special grace upon them and their family during this time of preparation.

Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Mt.9:37-38)