「七十門徒」事奉裝備教室 2023年春季課程


新約導論 New Testament Survey (NT2023)


科目:新約導論New Testament Survey (NT2023)




時間:晚上7:30-9:30 (可於課堂完結後72小時重溫)

費用:CAD$80 (早鳥優惠:2/6 前報名 $70;夫婦同讀:$120)




  1. 讓學員了解新約的背景、歷史、地理和社會環境,認識耶穌到世上來時的世界。
  2. 說明耶穌基督如何出現,福音書對耶穌生平的記載,祂成就救恩的經過和意義。
  3. 認識聖靈怎樣帶領使徒建立教會,把福音傳遍地極,使徒的著作又怎樣成為我們信仰的參考。
  4. 重申主再來的盼望,探討啟示錄的奧祕。


日期 內容
2/23 1. 新約世界及耶穌生平
3/2 2. 馬太福音及馬可福音
3/9 3. 路加福音及使徒行傳
3/16 4. 約翰福音
3/23 5. 保羅書信
3/30 6. 希伯來書及大公書信
4/13 7. 啟示錄:文本、歷史、象徵世界及內容解讀


Ministry Opportunity – AMMiC Mission Director (UPDATED)


Ministry Opportunity – AMMiC Mission Director

AMMiC is searching for a Mission Director who will work alongside the AMMiC Area Bishop on the diocesan/regional level to strategize and develop Christ’s gospel mission among visible minorities.

Please send applications to:

Attention: Ms. Nona Tong
Suite 160 – 4611 No. 6 Road, Richmond, V6V 2L3, Canada
Or email: office@ammic.ca

If you are interested, please read the the full description below and apply by March 15, 2023.


聖公會的信仰身分和使命:歷史的回顧,現實的檢視,未來的承擔 ——梁家麟博士與梁永康主教對話

收費:CAD$30;夫婦同行CAD$55 (包午餐及茶點)
報名方法:以電郵 conference@ammic.ca報名,注明參與11/26 Seminar, 參與者姓名及聯絡電郵、電話。
付款方法:以銀行電子轉賬 Interac e-Transfer to donations@ammic.ca

移加創未來 “Immigrate For a Bright Future”




Ordination to the Diaconate Live Stream

Service for the Ordination of
Yat Fai Alvin Ng
to the Vocational Diaconate
in the Church of God
Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 2 pm

You can download the service booklet here. 

If you are planning to attend the ordination service in person, you can find more information about in the previously announced new post.

Please note, Good Shepherd Vancouver request all those attending in person to wear a mask while inside the church building.

Children’s Ministry Training Course

2022 Children ministry course infoAs part of AMMiC ongoing commitment to provide training to lay leaders, we are pleased to announce the launch of a intensive 5 class course on children’s ministry. Children Ministry Matters: A Hands-on Training & Refresher Course is for all leaders, new or experienced, serving in children’s ministry.

Each child is precious in God’s sight and each child has Kingdom potential. As we serve our children and their families, we are investing in this special people group, preparing them to be the next church leaders, teachers, pastors or church planters to turn the world upside down for His glory and honour!

Space is just limited to 15 persons in the class, so registration as individual or group quickly. More information can be found on the course outline here.

To register, please click here for the online registration.
After completing the registration form, remember to submit the registration fees by 1 of the following options:

  • Interac e-Transfer to donations@ammic.ca, note CMT2022 Registration
  • Mail Cheque, Payable to AMMiC, note CMT2022 Registration
    Mailing Address: AMMiC, Unit 160, 4611 No. 6 Road, Richmond, BC, V6V 2L3, Canada

Registration and Fee Submission Deadline is September 20th, 2022.

勉力正乾坤:二千年教會與社會關係的速寫 (梁家麟博士主講)

太平洋時間星期四晚7:30-9:30PM (供72小時內重看)
9/29至11/10 (11/3停課)

太平洋時間星期六上午10時至下午3時(連午餐), 11/26

每人CAD$60;夫婦同讀 CAD$100

另付2022 年11 月26 日工作坊午餐及茶點 – 每人 CAD$25



Ordination to the Order of Deacons (Vocational)

Lord willing on Saturday, September 10th, 2022, at 2:00 pm

Mr. Alvin Ng

will be ordained into the Order of Deacons of the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church
by The Right Rev. Stephen Leung, Area Bishop of Asian and Multicultural Ministries,
in the Diocese of the Anglican Network in Canada,
in the Anglican Church in North America.

The Ordination Service is scheduled for 2 pm (PT), Saturday, September 10th, 2022, at the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (189 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada). Everyone is invited to attend the service in-person and online via www.ammic.ca.

Alvin will serve as a non-stipend Vocational Deacon at the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd, Lord willing, after his ordination. Please pray keep Alvin and his wife Jenny in your prayers for the upcoming preparations and the ministries he will be taking part.

2022 AMMiC Thanksgiving and Fundraising Event




Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Dear Friends of Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC),

As I sat down to write this letter to you, the song of praise in the Doxology came out and filled my heart in a special way. Although the world has not yet fully broken free from the COVID-19 pandemic, or perhaps never will, the Church of Christ should be and is the living testimony to God’s power and goodness despite dark clouds that hover over all of us for nearly three years.

I am truly encouraged to hear how Christian churches all over, not only in our Province ACNA, or in ANiC and AMMiC, have been sharing the gospel and extending their ministries in steadfast and creative ways. The Holy Spirit continues to lead God’s people forward. Therefore, in this year’s annual fundraising event for AMMiC, I invite you all to join us in giving thanks to God and celebrating his work that always amazes us.

The in-person annual fundraising event will be held on Saturday, September 10, 12:00-1:30 p.m. Pacific Time. We will share highlights of our ministry, including: (1) Growth of the AMMiC Lay School, (2) Birth of the new church plant, Good Shepherd Burnaby, and (3) Ministry development to reach recent immigrants, particularly young people from Hong Kong. A luncheon will be served as a token of appreciation to you for being our ministry partners. Continue reading