2 Baptisms at All Nations on Easter Sunday

We are glad to see that two young girls at All Nations (Japanese) received baptism on Easter Day – Sophia and Haruna.  Sophia gave her own testimony of how the love of God has touched her life and how the Christian witnesses of her maternal grandparents and parents has impacted her walk with Jesus.

Haruna’s parents shared how they see Haruna as a true gift of God to their family.  During their long wait for the child, their faith was tested but at the same time, their knowledge of God had been enriched and their experience of His faithfulness deepened.

Pray for their spiritual growth and that they would always experience the Lord’s love and grace.

Here are some photos of the service.

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Baptism ~ Christ the Redeemer (Multicultural), Toronto

A special Baptismal Service will be held baptism-slide
on Dec 22 (Sun)
from 10:30am to 12:30pm
at 455 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2G8

Coadjutor Diocesan Bishop and Area Bishop (Ontario and east), The Right Reverend Charles Masters will be joining us for this special occasion and sharing a message to encourage us.

Please do invite brothers, sisters, family, and friends to join us for this special gathering.

Baptisms at Good Shepherd (Cantonese), Calgary

On Dec 22 (Sun), Good Shepherd will celebrate the baptisms of 5 brothers and sisters: Kwok-hung Yu, Su-Kuk Kwan, Christie So, Elisabeth Chen and May Leung.  They will also share their testimonies at the service. They invite your presence to witness and share the joy with them.

Time: 4:00 – 5:30pm
Venue: Our Lady of Peace Maronite Catholic Church, 504 – 30th Avenue, NW, Calgary, AB

baptism12月22日(星期日),卡城聖公會牧愛堂將有5位弟兄姊妹在眾人面前接受聖洗禮並同時分享他們的見證。他們是俞國雄、關素菊、Christie So , Elisabeth Chen及May Leung。他們誠邀各位蒞臨,共享見證。